Get the answer to every question you have ever wanted to ask me!
Question time
There are always going to be questions that are just about your situation but there are as you can imagine lots of questions that most people ask.
Below you will find the answers to the most common questions.
As always if there is anything else you want to know ... ask!
I offer a unique approach to key events in life. I start from the people and work from there. Everyone has something that is just them, it might not be obvious but if we can capture it in our planning, it will make everyone smile.
There is joy to be found in the simplest of things.
I've been working hard on my mission to banish the blah for the last 7 years. I think I do pretty well, but, whatever you are planning, I invite you to join me.
You have one shot at this, let's get it right!
Wedding FAQ
You will need to register your marriage in a Statutory Ceremony in order for it to be legally recognised.
This costs £57.00 in addition to the notice fee which is £35 per person. It will be very simple, no fuss just you and two witnesses and I would strongly recommend that you do this!
There is joy to be found in the simplest of things.
Funeral FAQ
No, I am just me. Humanism is an organised group for people who have no religion or spiritual belief. They believe this is it, then you are gone.
I don’t practice a religion but I do respect the fact that you might, and I am happy to create something that reflects that.
My Packages
Click on Weddings to learn about my wedding and vow renewal ceremonies
Click on Funerals to learn about funeral and memorial services
Click on Namings to learn about naming, adoption and renaming ceremonies
Click on Contact to see how you can get in touch .... there's even an online form